

what is it & who can benefit

CranioSacral Therapy

what is it & who can benefit

There is a new wave of awareness in the allopathic and complementary health communities that will greatly benefit everyone who seeks treatment.

Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle, non-invasive hands-on practice that can provide profound, and long lasting healing results for many patients with chronic pain. The client is clothed on the treatment table, much like physical therapy or chiropractic.

After just a few sessions of this marvelous healing modality many clients are rid of their nagging pain and regain their joy for living.

This new way of thinking is one that keeps the client’s individual health goals as highest priority, and also maintains strong communication between all practitioners involved.

ilani Kopiecki is trained to read the cranial rhythm of the body. The cranial rhythm is separate and distinct from the breath rate and heart beat. By putting hands on gently, ilani can feel this rhythm anywhere in the body. In particular, she is looking for a lack of this rhythm, and by treating those areas she can treat the source of a wide range of physical problems, rather the just the symptoms.


Neck, headache, back, and joint problems can be relieved of pain and find flexibility and freedom of movement. Teenagers with migraines or scoliosis can experience pain relief and a sense of deep peace within their bodies. Hyperactivity and restlessness can dissipate. The list goes on and on!

older adults

Because craniosacral therapy is based on light touch, it is perfect for many seniors that cannot take rough or jarring movement. And because an experienced practitioner can get right to the root of the problem, even long-standing discomfort can be permanently relieved.

adult CST testimonials


“I was working with an exercise program when I started sessions with Ilani. My back felt like the exercises pushed up a ball to the top of a mountain peak and it was teetering on the peak. With Ilani I felt like she just gently pushed the ball down the mountain and my body unraveled into place.”

michael S. 

knee injury

“I injured my knee and had knee surgery several months ago. Though my surgery went well, my knee and hip were both giving me pain. ilani’s healing hands and two sessions of craniosacral work really helped me a lot. My knee and hip pain are gone and I am walking more easily. ilani is a very caring person and gifted healer.”

tony t.

tense body & emotional healing

“In my sessions with Ilani I experience a deep sense of letting go. Her healing hands seem to reach into my tissue in a very gentle but effective way. What I release is much more than physical pain.  it is an emotional holding that has loosened up greatly since my sessions.”

kate p.

CST specific relief

back pain

Back pain can become chronic and can stem from several causes. Whether it is disk problems, sciatica, scoliosis, or muscle spasms, the pain can be so distracting that your whole day is formed around trying to get around the annoyance and discomfort.

sinus pain

Treatment for sinus pressure may include gentle release of the tissues underneath the facial and nasal bones, some light release of the TMJ and occipital areas, and neck vertebrae decompression. This may allow clients to stop taking their sinus medication.


CranioSacral Therapy has proven invaluable in loosening the temporal mandible joint, and all other parts of the upper and lower palates of the mouth. Many people have been relieved of TMJ syndrome simply by having a few gentle CST sessions.

service fees

Craniosacral Therapy – Families & Seniors

60 minutes $185

Craniosacral Therapy – Infants & Children

60 minutes $195

Energy Medicine – Remote  &  In Office Session

60 minutes $185

Sacred Ceremonies –  Your Marin Location

Marin – $250